Welcome Baby Alice!
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Welcome Baby Alice!
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Welcome Baby Alice!
A very special WELCOME to the world to my Goddaughter Alice! Weighing in at a whopping 5lb 5oz, she's the tiniest and cutest little button, swimming in her preemie size kimono. When her brother (my Godson) Liam met her for the first time, his exact words were, "What the heck!"....wise words from a very wise 2 year old!! Definitely a moment I will never forget. I am very lucky to have the best Godmother in the whole world, and I hope that I can follow in her footsteps for my own Godchildren.
My first Godmother duty for Alice was finding preemie clothes that were actually small enough for her to go home in. I learned that not all "preemie" sized clothing is actually small enough for most preemies. I found that the smallest preemie sizes were at BabyGap and Gymboree, fitting little ones in the 5lb range. It was so fun to go back to the hospital and dress her up in the tiniest little designer kimono sets and bundlers. Alice you are a very exciting addition to the family, and I already love being your Aunt Kiki!
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That's all the information Welcome Baby Alice!, Hopefully this information can provide benefits to all of you. Okay,thanks.
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